Montana Mendy

- For computers faster than 16 MHz click here
- Currently the best in the Python based framework Django
- Be sure to e-mail me questions at
- Look at my code at

Montana Mendy

I've helped create the AirBears 2 network for UC Berkeley, and have helped several startups launch, I've solved over 4000 complicated problems on the Ubuntu Forums as well as submitted patches for the Linux kernel.


Currently working at a startup in San Francisco, scripting in Python and Elixir for them. On the side working on Prowl almost exclusively in Python and Django, Prowl as of now is running on AWS but in theory, could run better on Google App Engine.


I'm extremely proficient in Django, maybe the best in the world. So essentially that means I'm good at Python (better at Django but good at Python) as well as all marketable languages, such as: Objective-C, Ruby, Ruby on Rails and any big database framework (Hadoop, Redis, Spark, Solr, etc).